A1 Driving School Now Have a Live Chat - A1 Driving School, Lagos Nigeria - call 02012910533 Skip to main content
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A1 Driving School Now Have a Live Chat

By March 10, 2017August 4th, 2019No Comments

Here at A1 Driving Institute, we’re always looking for better ways to serve you. We recently added live chat to our website, so now you can get live, real-time help every day 24 hours a day 7 days a week no time restriction, we are available everyday to take your request.

We added live chat because sometimes it’s easier to just quickly chat with us instead of sending an email, waiting for an answer, sending a reply–well, you understand. it’s just easier.

Using our live is easy. When you first arrive at our website, a box with display in the lower right corner. You can choose to fill out the form or just start typing to initiate the chat. Filling out the form will enable us know you and should in case of network disconnection we can quickly reach you via your submitted information.

We don’t always want to be annoying, so that box won’t automatically pop up. However, the live chat icon will always be available in the lower right corner. Just click on that and the live chat box will open up, ready for you to start a conversation with us.

And guess what? It is actually a live chat with a real, live A1 Driving School Customer Care. Everyone on our team is connected so someone in our group will get you in touch with the best person to help you. Don’t be shy, even if our services, bookings or pricing leaves you with more questions than answers, just chat with us! In fact. we’re looking forward to it.

Chat with you soon!

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